Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Affinity Diagram IceBreaker

Blame it on my being overly involved in Orientation, Pre-College and Admissions. Maybe I participate in too many ice breakers getting to know complete strangers in a relatively short manner of time. I found a new metaphor for the literature review and affinity diagram stage of a project.

These steps are the Icebreaker. In a social setting, icebreakers are used to introduce strangers and to facilitate trust in a short period of time. It is much the same with affinity diagrams and literature reviews. Both of these methods facilitate trust among the team members as well as providing an overdose of information very quickly. Even in teams that have worked together in the past, there is the new “member” of the project space that must be introduced and this is a vita part of the project to lose inhibitions and truly embrace the project.

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